Behind The Purple Banner

(Megan Jo Photography)

16 major show titles, 24 Ohio State Fair banners, 35 county fair banners, 18 belt buckles, over 20 trophies, and countless jackpot banners from all over the country across 4 different species. To me, what are they worth? The sad reality is most of them will end up in a cardboard box or stay hung up in my old show barn collecting dust. The memories that surround them will endure a lifetime, not the awards themselves. Special creatures, the people, the sacrifices, the miles driven, the failures, and the early mornings and late nights are what shaped me into who I am and established a reputation for myself. That is what I am going to miss the most about the show livestock industry.

My showing passion started when I was three years old. At three years old, I was exhibiting pigs at the county fair and struggled to get my pig out of the corner of the show ring. At the age of 13, I was a national show champion with more accomplishments to come. When I think back to my first few years showing, I had no idea how my future would turn out. When I was a little girl, I used to watch my competitors win in the show ring on a big stage without realizing that I would eventually do the same.

Every day, we make changes to some aspect of our lives. I had to change from focusing on one thing my entire life to suddenly letting go of it and discovering something else that sparked my life-long plans. I have no intention of leaving the livestock industry because I have always had a passion for it.

(Maggie McStay)

Along with my graphic design business, my passion for showing livestock has grown me into a livestock entrepreneur. I have had the fortunate opportunity to design advertisements and banners for the people I have met over the past few years. However, I have completely improved my goat business while managing those designs. I started breeding goats for county fairs, but now I sell them to families who want to show their livestock at state fairs and national shows. Without the support of my family and close friends who have helped me every step of the way, I would not have been able to accomplish this, nor could I continue to do it. They are my team.

(Next Level Images)

One of the greatest livestock leaders and enthusiasts once said, “Ordinary is contagious. If you hang around ordinary people doing ordinary things, guess what you’ll be? Ordinary as hell”. Mark Hoge entered my life not too long ago, but I had the opportunity to show livestock to him before he became my livestock judging coach. Not only is his quote true, but it has been relatable to me in my life. There is nothing ordinary about what my family and I have done and accomplished over the last few years. My family and I figured out who was going to be in our lives for the long run, and Cooper Bounds made that list quickly. His dedication and patience in not only teaching me how to be a better showman, but to be a better leader is how he joined our team. Putting together a team of talented people who are passionate about the same things can be quite difficult, but I am glad I’ve discovered the people I need in my life.

(Sara Beanblossom)

Hello, everyone. My name is Paige Pence. I hope you enjoyed reading about my journey to where I am in the livestock industry in my blog. My roots are in New Carlisle, Ohio. Over the last 11 years, my family and I have spent our time traveling the country together. I received my Associate’s Degree in Science at Lake Land College and I am currently a junior here at Western Illinois University studying Agribusiness. Once I graduate and receive my Bachelor’s Degree, I plan to move back home to raise competitive show goats and continue working with the youth in the livestock industry.

4 thoughts on “Behind The Purple Banner

  1. rdbrumbaugh

    Great job Paige! I can tell that there have been unique and interesting parts to the story of your life and how you got to where you are today. I like how you talk about the passion that you have and how regardless of the struggles you will always be involved with the industry. If more people had your passion and drive I’m sure we would see more success within in our generation. Thank you for sharing your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Coby Frey

    Paige, I enjoyed your post. We have shown against each other almost our whole careers. It was awesome to hear your whole backstory and what makes you, you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. accole04780d2677

    You’ve achieved so much in such a short amount of time. Its incredible to me that your skills are so versatile. You’re able to show livestock, do graphic design, and run your own business. That’s amazing truthfully.

    Liked by 1 person

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